Affordable Schools
Pembroke Park is delighted to be a leading Affordable Schools pilot school and has already achieved “bronze” status.
At Pembroke Park Primary we understand that the cost of supporting your children through school can put pressure on your household budgets. The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in money worries for many more families and now we are facing even further pressures with increases in cost of living for essentials like food, heating and fuel.
We understand how difficult it can be when children are unable to participate in activities in the way they would like to, when costs get in the way. We want all our pupils to feel comfortable and confident in school and be able to participate in everything that is on offer. We want to do all we can to make every school day affordable for all our families and to help you find the support you might need if you have money concerns.
The impact of poverty is one the most significant barriers to overcome when improving the life chances of our most vulnerable learners. It is the strongest statistical predictor of how well a child will achieve at school but rarely has a single cause. Some children are born into poverty, while the lives of others may be shaped by life events which impact on financial stability, such as taking on a caring role, parent separation, bereavement, illness and changes to employment.
An Affordable School is committed to reducing poverty related stigma by deliberately making positive changes to every aspect of school policy and practice through the lens of affordability. We look at affordable schooling through the following: