Pembroke Park Primary School

School Tours

We really encourage all potential applicants to visit the school. You cannot capture the “feel” and amazing culture at Pembroke Park in writing.

School tours can be booked by emailing 2 or 3 days/times you are available to and a member of the leadership team will get you booked in for one of these times where diaries allow.

Please take a look at our Facebook page to see recent events and activities within the school.


School Day

Top gates open at 8,40am. Registration is at 8.50am and your child is expected to be in their class by this time. Our school day ends at 3.30pm totalling 33 hours 20 minutes per week. Top gates open at 3.20pm to allow you time to walk down for collection.

Year 5 and Year 6 may walk to and from school with written permission from a parent. All younger children must be escorted on and off-site by a sensible adult or older sibling.

Parking permits are limited to those with a blue badge or disability/medical need only. Please see the school office for an application form. We keep permits to a minimum in order to keep everyone on site safe and to reduce emissions. We encourage everyone who can to walk, scooter or cycle to school. Please do not obstruct driveways of our local community if you drive to school.


School Meals

School Meals can be ordered via Parent Pay. Menus are available from the school office. You can send your child in with a packed lunch if you prefer. Please note we are a nut-free school due to allergies.


Wraparound Care

We offer breakfast club every morning from 8.00 - 8.50am. This includes a drink and breakfast and the cost is £4 per pupil.

You can book your child into breakfast club via ParentPay and this must be done at least 3 days in advance.


Free Clubs

We offer free lunchtime and after-school clubs (3.30 - 4.15pm) run by our amazing staff. Registration forms come out in September, December and April.

Clubs have included chess, cookery, photography, football, lego, football, choir and arts/crafts. Our aim is for every child to have attended at least one club per year.


Class Dojo

The majority of our communication is done through a membership-only app/website called Class Dojo. You will have access to the whole school page and also your child’s class page.

Login information will be provided on your child’s first day. If you have any login/technical issues please let the school office know.

Our newsletters, events, updates/reminders and celebrations are all done via Class Dojo. If you do not have internet access and would prefer paper copies, please let the office know. We share key highlights onto our Pembroke Park Primary School Facebook page too.