Pembroke Park Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to Early Years!

In our school the Early Years Foundation Stage consists of separate Nursery and Reception classes. We follow the guidance set out within Development Matters and provide provision that is both continuous and enhanced based on 7 areas of learning which are split into 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas.

​Click here to see our Early Years Long Term Plan

The 3 prime areas:

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

The 4 specific areas:



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

We believe that children learn best through play; therefore our approach is a play-based curriculum. The children have access to both the indoors and outdoors for the majority of the time and free choice as to where they learn. Activities are enhanced to match the specific needs of the curriculum and the children’s interests.

We also have adult-led activities running alongside the free choice learning, that may be an individual activity or small group. The free choice learning is also interspersed throughout the day with whole class activities that include daily phonics sessions and mathematics based learning.

Throughout the Foundation Stage, children’s development is tracked against the Development Matters objectives. At the end of the reception year, a judgement is made against 17 Early Learning Goals. The children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals and are given a grading of emerging or expected.

These levels are then the basis for an end of year report along with characteristics of effective learning that the children display throughout their time with us. As the year progresses the balance of child-initiated and adult-directed time changes so that the children are used to more adult directed activities and are well placed for a smooth transition into Key Stage 1. 

Tapestry and Class Dojo

We use an app called Tapestry to record observations of your child throughout the week and these are evaluated against the Early Years areas of learning.

We have class dojo pages for general communication with parents, including our week in pictures and reminders of any upcoming events within our class and across the whole school.

You will receive login information when your child starts with us. Class dojo also provides a free “translation” for any families with English as an Additional Language.