Subject Progression Documents
Quality of Education
Our curriculum has been created in line with the National Curriculum objective overviews for each Key Stage. We have created individual subject progression documents to ensure pupils develop domain-specific knowledge over time. We also focus on developing disciplinary skills within each subject, such as “working scientifically” in Science.
We place reading at the heart of our curriculum and have a high-quality “book spine” that links Reading and Writing together to ensure pupils are exposed to the best literature for their age and apply their learning from these texts to their own writing. In 2023-24, we have also introduced a core curriculum spine, starting with Geography, to encourage reading for betterment and expose our children to a wider range of quality texts.
Please click on the subject headings below to see the progression document for that subject. For any queries or to find out more, please email using the information in the footer.
Our curriculum is underpinned by our whole school vision (above) which aims to develop well-rounded citizens through the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum and fantastic personal development offer.
Phonics progression (Read Write Inc)
Phonics expected progress (termly)
Phonics Sets 1,2,3 sounds (RWI)
French (Modern Foreign Languages)
Music progression document (Charanga)
Personal, Social, Health Education