Vision and Values

Our Staff

Term Dates

2024-2025 Term Dates

2025-2026 Term Dates

Our Governors


Pembroke Park Primary Primary School has an Academy Governance Committee (AGC) which provides focused governance. The Chair of the AGC is Vannessa Shield. To contact the AGC Chair, Clerk or for any governance related matters please email Mrs Philippa Ennew at

 The Academy Governance Committee is a constituent part of the wider governance structure of the Magna Learning Partnership (MLP).  For more information about the governance of MLP, please click Magna Learning Partnership here.

Governors of Pembroke Park Primary School AGC and their declarations of interest

The MLP Governance Framework and Scheme of Delegation

Please click here for MLP Governance Diversity Data.

To view the latest financial information about MLP click here.

Minutes of AGC meetings are available upon request from the Clerk. 

Click here for information on Academy Governor Opportunities.

Our Community

We continue to support and work closely with a range of individuals and companies within our Community. If you are a local business or charity and would like to work in partnership with our school, please do get in touch.

The Bridge Youth Project

Salisbury Foodbank

ALIA Photography


Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

Wiltshire Outdoor Learning

Wiltshire Music Connect

South Wilts Grammar School